"I have learnt a lot from our sessions and have started using your teachings with visible results. Thanks again." — Director, European Patent Office

We can dramatically improve the quality and impact of your Communications Skills so that you will gain commitment for your proposals, improve your executive presence and be recognised as an excellent public speaker.

We have been working successfully as Communication Skills Trainers for the last 15 years with clients such as the European Patent Office, European Bank of Reconstruction & Development, Diageo, HSBC, JP Morgan, House of Commons, the Cabinet Office and the NHS.

ref: Fiske, Cuddy & Glick

ref: Fiske, Cuddy & Glick

Why come to us?

In an ever-changing competitive world the demands on business leaders are greater than ever. Getting buy-in to business transformation is fundamental to success. By improving your leadership presence and becoming a more confident and charismatic communicator you’ll be able to inspire others to engage and buy-in to your vision and ideas. With our experience as theatre practitioners and business coaches we will help you develop the skills to build trust, strengthen working relationships and positively influence others.

You will learn to communicate with warmth, strength and purpose.

We’ll work on the key elements of Communication

WHY is it important for my audience to receive my message?  

HOW do I best communicate this? – by being concise / use of stories /ensuring my content, voice and body language are congruent.

WHAT key facts and messages do my audience need to take away?


ref: Simon Sinek

ref: Simon Sinek

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What will you take away from us working together?

  • Practical tools and techniques that will improve the way you connect, lead    and communicate.
  • The skills to be at your best for that keynote speech, team talk, webinar or leadership panel.
  • Skills practice on how to tackle those challenging relationships, conversations and meetings.
  • A greater self-awareness of how you are perceived and the affect you are having on others.

What others have to say…

Paul is a gifted trainer as well as an actor. On Communication Skills (non verbal and verbal) and Leadership, he empowers and inspires the people he works with. He has a natural way to make people connect with each other and with themselves on a deeper level. And by the way Paul is a very nice person to work with. Frank Oelmeijer, Vice-President, Rechtbank.

“I found the sessions incredibly useful. I really believe that the ‘content, body and voice message’ was well calibrated and made an excellent impact. I really need to thank you”  Claudio Viezzoli, Managing Director, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)


Executive Presence, Leadership, Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Negotiation, Influencing, Assertiveness, Conflict Management, Feedback Skills. 


Sessions are delivered face-to-face or online. Face-to-face sessions are normally 3-3.5 hours. Online sessions are 1-1.5 hours. Sessions can be scheduled over a number of weeks depending on requirements.

"I wanted to confirm that I got the promotion I was aspiring to. I believe that the session with you was extremely useful to achieve this. So, thank you again and I would like a couple of my guys to have similar sessions with you." — MD Global Bank